Guided Visit to the Message Editor and to the Default Messages

This Guided Visit will use Document_Ex8.ADsrc. Unlike the preceding examples, we will not save the modifications. The Document_Ex8.ADsrc can be found on the CD at Sample/Try This/FolderEx8/
The steps of the Guided Visit presume familiarity with little knowledge about messages, explained in Basic Notions.

- Open Document_Ex8.ADsrc or a copy of it.
- Use menu Edit /Message Editor (the main access). See Result. Note the following important 6 points about the Message Editor
1) The first tab is called the Message Manager. This tab contains a list of all of the messages in the document. Creating a new document will fill it with about 25 messages. Most of them are Default Messages (will explained below). The use of the menu Create and Delete of  the Message Editor makes that list increase and decrease.
2) One message on the main tab is always selected (also called the Current Message). The “Bingo”- Message (ID 5501) is selected on this illustration.
3) You select a message by clicking in the column Message (the user has obviously clicked on the word “Bingo” which is in that column)
4) The title of second tab as well the title of the third tab contain the identification number (ID) of the selected tab. See illustration. With the second tab, Properties, you modify the current message, ont the  third tab, Info, you find information about the links to the current message. Therefore: the content of the second tab and the third tab depends on the selected message on the first tab, the main tab.
5) Pay attention where you click on the main tab. Look at this most important illustration.
6) For advanced uses: Several messages may be marked with the M column of the main tab. This is used in conjecture with the menu File/Import of the Message Editor. Marked messages can be mooved from one document to another. Observe the "M" in the column M on this illustration.

Lets do some test:

-  Select the Bingo Message (ID 5501). See illustration.
-  Go to tab Properties (See Illustration)
- Click Window Color (illustration) and OK for choice yellow
- Click Background Color (illustration) and OK for brown yellow
- Do Repeating Clicks on Left arrow of Border (illustration)
   (See result of 3 preceding operations)
- Test the Handles and Center button, described on this illustration
- Click the big black é(editor) button
- Use the Editor to replace the Bingo-text with this.
- Leave Editor with OK, back to tab Properties,
  You need probably to Center again.
   (Click on Center button)
- Leave Message Editor with OK.

*** now we want to test it ***

- Do a temporally jump to ADPlayer and give the
correct answer ON FIRST STROKE for the questions.
The created message appears See illustration
(As all validaters of our document are linked to ID 5501, that appearing does not depend on the choice of the validater)


Note: The described experience did modify the Default Message 5501.

What are default messages?
The defaut messages are messages that appear under some special conditions. The Default Messages of a validator or of an active element are found with his Evaluation Dialog and tab Settings on the Default Message Table. Each place of that table (see illustation) corresponds to a particular situation. Exemple: the first place in a Validator-table corresponds to “All points achieved at first validation”. Creating a new document will fill the Default Message Table if protected Identification numbers (ID). This protection is visible with the letter "P".
What does a click on the Default Message Table?
It depends on the two column
1) You can access Message Editor, Delete the Link etc. See illustration, click at right
2) You can restore the inital form of the Default Message and you can find detailed description of  that Default message. See illustration, click at left. (Do not yet restore the message to the initial form, we want to duplicate it first)

Some more tests for deeper understanding:

- Use the main access to the Message Editor, Edit /Message Editor and observe this.
- Select Message 5501 "Hi, really .." und Duplicate it (see Result)
- Leave Message Editor with OK.
- Go to the Setting tab of some validater use now the Restore, described under See illustration, click at left
- Observe that the (protected) ID 5501 is again "BINGO .."
   See also info Message Editor.

Let's now do this

- Click Eval. of the first validator in the document and this access.
- Observe the "!" and comments on this illustration.
- Click on "Hi, really, .. " (Message 6010) and observe this.
- Click OK (we want to replace the Link).

The place holder in the Default Message Tabel is now the 6010 Message ( "Hi, really, .. " ) for the first validator. The other validators use the  5501 Message "Bingo" (we had restored the 5501 to his initial form). Check the consequent behavior of  ADPlayer out with a temporary jump to ADPlayer.

As elementary other operation, I propose this:
a) Link some other validaters to 6010,
b) Use Delete Link to this Message for some validators, see illustration and observe the consequent behavior of  ADPlayer,
c) Analogous with Delete all Links of this table, see illustration and observe the consequent behavior of  ADPlayer,
d) Use Delete Message in the menu of the Message Editor (Attention this command  is only available with the main access to the message editor).

As advanced operation, I propose this:
Go to the Message Editor and set the red color for the word "Bingo" of the restored Bingo message (ID 5501). We need that as a distinguishing label in the experience. Now mark the message 5501 and 6010 by clicking in the M column. Repeating clicks in that column add and delete the M in that column. The next explanations presume M for 5501 and 6010 only. Leave the dialog(s) with OK.
Choose now File/Create New Source Document from ADWorks and do that while you keep open the current document (ADWorks allows to work with multiple documents). Use menu Window/Tile, you should see something like this. Use the command Edit/Message Editor while the new document is current (title bar blue, not gray) and observe the list of the main tab. Check the Bingo Message. Bingo is written in black color, if it’s red then the new document was not current. Check as well that the message 6010 is not there. Use now from the Message Editor the command File/Import from the other open document. Note: this command wants to import the messages marked from the other open document. Say yes to the warning “ There is a conflict with the message ID 5501, Import anyway?” and check after that operation the imported messages. Message 5501 has been replaced (red color for "Bingo") and the message 6010 is present (on top). Look finally this illustration, excerpt from the help of ADWorks

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