To obtain the result we do the following steps with ADWorks.
- Open the document you created when looking at Example 1 or open Document_Ex1.ADsrc
on the CD in the folder Sample/Try This/FolderEx1
Remember: the Document_Ex1.ADsrc is the source file and the icon is represented by a "W". The Document_Ex1.ADcomp is the compiled file and the icon is represented by a "P".- Choose Static Text from the menu Create Element of ADWorks (See Result)
Remark: you can’t do this example in a New Document, unless you will replace later the operation Duplicate by another operation that will be indicated.
A crucial point now:
- Select the above element Choose Box with the towns and choose
the menu Duplicate with permanent Link (Add to Chain) (See
Illustration) The operation Duplicate with permanent Link (Add to
Chain) will create a choose box with the same definitions (the same
list of towns, the same colors and so on). They form a chain of definition.
Any change at any element of a chain is automatically applied to all elements
of the chain. (Chains can be broken with the command Edit / Separate
Chain. The menu Duplicate without permanent Link directly creates
a new chain).
If you used New Document then you can’t duplicate. You will have to create the Choose Box and define the list of towns with the Definition Dialog. Precise indications for this are given at Exercise 1.- Call the Evaluation Dialog of that duplicated Choose Box fill the list of possibilities like this and, before OK, go to the Tab Settings, to choose the number of repetitions, which must be 4. You may also fill the Initial Display. (Illustration). Leaving the dialog with OK will give this result.
Notice: if we ask: “ … choose 4 towns out of 6 towns on the Continent… “, then we would not put London in the Evaluation Table at the above step. With the restriction Continent the question becomes more difficult as the learner has himself to eliminate London from the choices.- Choose another Choose Box from menu Create Element of ADWorks, it's for the choice of the rivers.
Another crucial point now:
- The choice of the river will depend on the choice of the town. Therefore
the element with the towns is the independent element, the element
with the rivers is the dependent element. We make the rivers dependent
by linking them to the towns. Select the two elements and click on
the Link, the button that appears on the independent unit. (See
illustration 1). (See illustration
Know this: An element can only be declared dependent using the above Link operation as long as the element is newly created, that is, as long as the Evaluation Table is still empty. Independent and dependent elements have Evaluation Table that are slightly distinguished. Observe the diffrence when doing the immediately following step.- Call the Evaluation Dialog of the dependent Choose Box (click on Eval. of the selected Choose Box with the rivers) and fill his list of possibilities. Click in the two colons of possibilities and use the appearing menu to fill colons so that towns and rivers fit together. (See illustration). Before leaving the Evaluation Dialog with OK you will fill the Initial field on the Stettings Tab with "Choose the river here".
- Choose Validater from the menu Create Element of ADWorks and link the independent element (Choose Box with the towns) to the new Validater. Do only select the Independent and the new Validater. Do not select the dependent element. (See illustration).
The explained steps make a second group of AD elements. A document may contain several groups of AD elements.
We want to test that new group of the document (Look
and refer to Exercise 1).
This test will make a temporary jump to ADPlayer (temporary
= you need not to compile).
The source document looks like this
under ADPlayer.
See some most frequent error that
may happen.
Choose, under ADPlayer, the good and/or bad answers to check that second
group out.
Check what happens, when you try to fool the computer by mentioning
the same town twice.
- Go back to ADWorks (Look and refer to
Exercice 1)
- Call the Evaluation Dialog (click on Eval. of selected unit) of the
independent element, choose the Setting Tab and choose the type
only (See illustration).
- Do the same (choose type Text only) with the dependent
The test with ADPlayer will look now like
this. Click on the numbers to get precious information (See
Illustration of a typical test.
Save the document with the command File/ Save
as. This will save a source file.
Don’t forget what you should know about compiled files (look
at the end of Example 1)
On the CD you find this second example in the folder Sample/Try This/FolderEx2/
The files there are
- Document_Ex2.ADsrc (the source file; a "W" in the icon)
- Document_Ex2.ADcomp (the compiled file; a "P" in the icon)