Scoring, Hints, Solution, History

Score, Hints, Solutions, History of Document, History of Validater are closely related terms.

1) Hints/Solutions under ADWorks

Hints, as well as Solutions, are Messages in the Evaluation Table of a Validater. See Illustration taken from Example 12.
2) Hints/Solutions under ADPlayer
Students can require Hints, as well as Solutions,  through the menu of the Validater. See Illustration taken from Example 12.
3) History of the document
The History of the document is a list of all Action (Action = Validation or Request for Hint or Request for Solution). ADPlayer makes that list available through the menu.
Operation 1: Validation with Validater 2, Score…
Operation 2: Hint requested … with Validater 3, Deduction…
Operation 3: Hint requested … with Validater 5, Deduction…
Operation 4: Solution requested … with Validater 1, Deduction…
Operation 5: Validation with Validater 3, Score…
4) History a Validater
The History of a Validater is the History of the document restricted to some Validater. The restriction to Validater 3 leads to this example: 
1 (Op. 2): Hint requested … with Validater3, Deduction…
2 (Op. 5): Validation with Validater 3, Score…Etc.

5) Score of a Validation
The Score of a Validation  is Brut Validation Score minus Deductions due to Hints-/Solutions-request prior in the History of that Validater.
1) Each validation has a score. The best validation will give the Best Achieved Score.
2) The Best Achieved Score can only increase.
3) Requesting the solution or hints does not change the points already achieved. It does not change the Best Achieved Score.
4) Requesting the solution or hints diminish the points that remain available.
5) Deductions for hints are indicated in the menu of the Validater.
6) Requesting for solutions diminish to zero the future score of validation for that Validater.
7) The menu indicated remaining available points.
6) Best Achieved Score of a Validater
The Best Achieved Score of a Validater is the highest Score (Brut - Deduction) in the History of a Validater
7) Document Score
The Document Score is the addition the Best Achieved Score its Validaters. The menu of ADPlayer shows the document score in his title.
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