Resource Files are files containing Pictures (extensions *.bmp, *.jpg, etc.), Sounds (*.wav, etc.), or Video Clips (*.avi, etc.), etc.
ADWorks and ADPlayer display the contents of the Resource Files and use them as active elements (command Create/Multimedia Portion). This is certainly the main feature of the Adprogs.
1) Where are Resources used?
Resources are used
- as Static Picture (Create/Static Picture)
- in Active List (Create/Static Picture/Resources)
- as active Element (Create/Multimedia Portion) :
-> Select Portion of Text
-> Select Portion of Image
-> Select Portion of Sound
-> Select Portion of Video
- with Choose Boxes (linked to item of the list)
-> Multiple Choice
- as illustrations (up to 6) in Messages.
2) How are Resources integrated into the AD document?
Source Documents and Compiled Documents only save the location of the Resource Files. The AD documents typically save only3) How are resources linked to AD source documents?
- Resource Folder/House.bmp
- Resource Folder/Bark.wav
- Res_Anaphores/Claps.wav
1) Resource Files must ALWAYS be located in the same folder as the Source or Compiled Document or in a subfolder of the Source(Compiled) Document. See typical configuration.
2) If the Source (or Compiled) Document is moved, the resources must also be moved to the same location.
3) The software will not save the location of the Resource File if the Resource File’s location does not satisfy the condition mentioned at letter 1. A warning is produced in this case.
4) The software will not save the location of the Resource File if the document is a new document that has not yet been saved. A warning is produced in this case.
Resources are linked to the document through the filename.
All Resources are linked to the document through the Choose Resource Dialog Box mostly shortened to Resource Dialog. See illustration showing the Resource Dialog calling the standard Open Dialog. The Display Mode will be discussed here below.4) Display Mode
Typical accesses to the Resource Dialog are shown with the patchwork of that illustration.
Resource Files can be displayed directly or indirectly. The choice of the two modes is only available if the two modes are possible (in most cases). Direct display displays the resource on the element itself. See illustration of an Active List with resources, direct mode, illustration taken from Tutorial 2. Indirect display displays a multimedia button (MM). A click on MM will make appear the resource in a separate Multimedia window. See of that same Active List, transformed to indirect display. Observe that the second MM is in the state "On", the two others are "Off".The best display type differs from on a case by case basis. The following criteria may be helpful:
1) Sound Files - Choose indirect display as an element of surprise. Note: Direct Display does not allow you to stop the sound file from fully playing. The indirect method does.
2) Video Clips - Same as Sound Files.
3) Picture Files - The type of display depends on the size and importance of the image. For large file, indirect display is recommended. For small pictures indirect display is recommended. Choose rather direct display if the picture is needed for several activities.
4) Text - See Picture Files
5) Resources in Messages: direct in most cases.
6) Resources for Choose Boxes: direct in most cases.
7) Resources for Active Lists: depends quite on the circonstances.