A message (Text, Video, Sound etc.) appears when the user clicks on a Hot Spots of a Static Pictures. This can be used for a teaching sequence or explanation sequence in AD document. As an example from grammar teaching:- Choose Static Text from the menu Create Element of ADWorks.
The Static Picture is a text and the hot spots are words or group of words. Each click on a hot spot makes appear a message like "You clicked a noun. Nouns are used to... ", "You clicked a verb. Verbs describe...", "You clicked an adjective. Use adjective to..." etc.The description makes an example for a Kindergarten. The written word of the clicked animal appears when the user clicks on the body of the animal, the cry of the animal appears when the head is clicked. It will look like this. Do this:
Now we will define 13 hot spots. There are 6 heads, 6 bodies and 1 outside of bodies and head.a) Use the Evaluation Dialog of the Static Picture, and click in first line of the Evaluation Table. Ask new MM Portion. See Illustration.
Define the first hot spot: the body of the horse with these 3 steps:
- Do the same for line #2, hot spot: body of the cow
- Do the same for line #3, hot spot: body of the goat
- Do the same for line #4, hot spot: body of the donkey
- Do the same for line #5, hot spot: body of the cat
- Do the same for line #6, hot spot: body of the dog
Note: See Evaluation Table and
look how to see/modify/delete the MM portion.
Note: The points in the evaluation table of the static picture are
not for score. The points are fore overlapping
rectangles. The rectangle with more points takes over the rectangle
with fewer points. As the rectangles of body and head will risk overlapping
we give 4 points to the head-rectangles (3 points were given to bodies).
- Do the same for line #7, hot spot: head of the horse
- Do the same for line #8, hot spot: head of the cow
- Do the same for line #9, hot spot: head of the goat
- Do the same for line #10, hot spot: head of the donkey
- Do the same for line #11, hot spot: head of the cat
- Do the same for line #12, hot spot: head of the dog
Finally we add at 1 point the whole rectangle of the picture
- Do the same for line #13, hot spot: the entire picture
See illustration and observe the
Now we add messages to each line:- Click in column Message of the first line and define the horse-body-message. See Illustration and observe that a horse-picture ha been added at level +1 in DIRECT display mode. The file HorseJPG is at the above mentioned location. (You can figure to add a file *.wav for the pronunciation of "horse").
All is not done, but we can do a temporary jump to ADPlayer to test the Animated Static Picture. See Illustration.- Click in column Message in line #7 and add a new message. To this new message we add, at level –3 and DIRECT display mode the resource HorseSound (wheeling of horse) found at the location indicated above. See Illustration. Note: The text of that message is a dummy text. Messages of Static Pictures containing a sound file do not appear. This is a special feature, mentioned in a earlier example. They just play the sound. That’s what we want. See Evaluation Table.
We are to add the sounds messages now for the clicks on the head.
All is not all done, but we can do a temporary jump to ADPlayer to test sounds with clicks on the heads of the animals.- Click in column Message in line #13 (last line) and add a new message. See Illustration.
We are ready for the final temporary jump to ADPlayer to test this groupe.
This document is saved saved with the name Doc Example.ADsrc (with a "W" in the icon).The ferryman told to people that the king has a special map with a red, blue and green spot in each country. The flag of the country appears when the red button is clicked. The blue spot is for the anthem and the green one is for the king in that country.
The compiled file is Doc Example.ADcomp (with a "P" in the icon)